Sheeps / Goats

National Sheep Summary · Tuesday, March 9: At Midwest market centers, slaughter lambs and slaughter ewes steady. Choice and Prime 2-3 90-140 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs $62. Slaughter ewes $20-$28..

Last week in COLORADO, 24,814 Choice, few Prime, 1-3 slaughter lambs sold on a formula basis with 130-155 lbs. wooled and shorn at $63.50-$70 delivered to plants. The weekly weighted average was 146 lbs. at $67.56, compared to last year's 151 lbs. at $71.67.

In SOUTH DAKOTA, 3,500 slaughter lambs with #1-2 pelts 130 lbs. $67; 140-165 lbs. $62-$65; and wooled 135-140 lbs. $62-$62.50.

In IDAHO, 300 slaughter ewes brought $22-$32. Also, 1,100 whiteface 3-8yo ewes 185-190 lbs. to lamb in April brought $100 per head.

In MONTANA, 1,200 whiteface 2-3yo ewes 155-175 lbs. to lamb in April $115 per head.

Carcass · Friday, March 5: Carcass lambs steady on all weights and volume categories. Movement slow to moderate on light to moderate offerings and demand. FOB Omaha, carlot volume, Choice and Prime 1-4 45-55 lbs. $155, 55-65 lbs. $150, 65-75 lbs. $248, 75-85 lbs. $143, 85 lbs. and up $135.

Wool · Friday, March 5: Domestic wool trading remains very slow, nearly at a standstill. Demand narrow and very limited due to lack of business in all facets of industry. As shearing is completed, most producers very reluctant to accept current bids on wool, with most opting to store wool either at home or in local warehouses. Some wools have been moving on a consignment basis to mills with price to be determined at a later date.

In territory trading:

WYOMING a few clips totalling 140,000 lbs., BOU, including 1998 and 1999 wool, 22.5-23.3 micron, staple, high yielding, avg. VM $.55-$.57 FOB greasy in sq. packs.

In COLORADO 52,000 lbs. whiteface lamb wool, 19.1-22 micron, 2.75-3 inch in sq. packs $.33-$.35, blackface wool at $.22.

In MONTANA 105,000 lbs. 25-26 micron graded wool, staple length at $.33 greasy with short/tender wool 2.5-2.9 inch at $.315, black wool at $.10 and tags and bellies at $.05.

In TEXAS this week, nearly 32,000 lbs. mohair sold with spring kid at $4 and fall kid mostly $4.50-$5.50.

Goldthwaite, Texas · Friday, March 5: 5,000 head. Feeder lambs steady. Slaughter lambs $3-$5 higher. Slaughter ewes and bucks steady. Spanish slaughter kids $3-$5 higher, all others steady.

SHEEP · Feeder lambs 65-105 lbs. old crop $68-$76.50; 40-60 lbs. springers $86-$95; 60-100 lbs. springers $75-$88 cwt.

SLAUGHTER LAMBS · $64-$74 cwt.

SLAUGHTER EWES · $34-$49 cwt.

SPANISH GOATS · Young nannies $49-$61 cwt.; nannies and kids $25-$35 head; half-Boer nanny kids $47.50-$75; half-Boer nannies $55-$130; half-Boer billies $80-$200 head. Slaughter kids $80-$97; nannies $50-$55, thin $40-$51; muttons $75-$87; billies $70-$80 cwt.

Billings, Montana · Monday, March 8: 575 head. Slaughter ewes $1-$2 higher. Feeder lambs not well tested, few comparable sales steady. Demand moderate for seasonally light supply.

FEEDER LAMBS · 61-80 lbs. $70-$73.50, 80-100 lbs. $66.50-$69.50; 100-115 lbs. $61-$65.50.

SLAUGHTER LAMBS · $54.50-$58.50.


SLAUGHTER BUCKS · $23-$28.50.

Junction, Texas · Monday, March 8: 5,600 head. Feeder lambs $2 higher. Slaughter lambs mostly steady. Slaughter ewes $2-$3 higher. Spanish stock nannies steady; slaughter classes $6-$8 lower. Angora stockers steady; slaughter kids $4 lower, others steady.

SHEEP · Feeder lambs 50-85 lbs. old crop $70-$75, 55-70 lbs. springers $87-$95 cwt.

SLAUGHTER LAMBS · $63.50-$68.50 cwt.

SLAUGHTER EWES · $35-$47 cwt.

SPANISH GOATS · Nannies $53-$67 cwt. Slaughter kids $77-$87.50; nannies $51-$53, thin $32-$46; muttons $60-$80; billies $62-$73 cwt.

ANGORA GOATS · Kids in hair $83-$86, nannies $44-$57, muttons $46-$55 cwt. Slaughter muttons $42.50-$47.50, nannies $40-$42; kids $67-$76, yearlings $59-$69; thin nannies and muttons $32-$41 cwt.

San Angelo, Texas · Tuesday, March 9: 10,000 head. All classes steady.

FEEDER LAMBS · 40-70 lbs. springers $85-$91, old crop $68-$73; 70-90 lbs. springers $80-$85, old crop $63-$69.


SLAUGHTER EWES · Fat $40-$51, medium $35-$39, thin $27-$35.