USDA SlaughterTexas/Western Oklahoma · Tuesday, April 13: Trade continued at a standstill. Light inquiry from buyers. Sales confirmed for the week on 89,900 head, which included 27,700 formula cattle to be shipped this week and 1,600 CME deliveries. Tuesday's packer bids mostly $65, asking prices $67-$68. Last established market was last Friday mostly at $66, few $66.50. Kansas · Tuesday, April 13: Trade quiet, no sales confirmed. Inquiry and demand light. Sales confirmed for the week to date on 52,800 head, including 14,800 contracted, formulated or CME delivery. Asking prices $67-$68, bids $65; last sales last Friday at $66, few $66.25-$67. Colorado · Tuesday, April 13: No report available at press time. Wyoming/Western Nebraska/Southwestern South Dakota · Tuesday, April 13: Trade inactive. Bids at $64-$65 and $103-$104. Feedlots asking $66-$67 and $106-$107. Light inquiry and buyer demand. Seller interest light. 600 for the week to date, including 200 contracted or formulated. |